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Nov 8, 2022

Dan Drydock Shockley

This week we are talking once again with Dan "Dry Dock" Shockley on "Staying Healthy as a Veteran"  For Veteran's Day this year we are featuring Dan because even though he has been dealt a hard blow with a hereditary colon cancer gene he is not letting that slow him down one bit!  As a matter of fact he is thriving and advocating for others around the globe as a hereditary colon cancer ambassador!  Here is some more about Dan:  

Dan Dry Dock Shockley, retired U.S. Navy veteran; Operation Desert Storm; Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veteran and 9 hereditary colon cancer WARRIOR. 

  • The U.S. based Colon Cancer Alliance featured his journey for their Veterans Day blog. The below url provided for your reading pleasure:

  • Also, in honor of Rare Cancer Day, 30 September, the NORDpod featured him as a special guest.

The below url provided for your listening pleasure: 

  • Additionally, he has been a regular contributor to the UK based Rare Revolution team. They recently invited me to be part of their National Patient Advocate Day campaign. My input can be viewed on Instagram:

  • In closing, here's his latest article which was featured by the Montreal based, RareDIG Organization.

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