Nov 24, 2020
Matt is a preschool teacher turned computer programmer and disability advocate. He developed Epilepsy while in college and is here today to discuss this often misunderstood disease.
Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods...
Nov 17, 2020
Ambre is a gastroparesis patient. She was diagnosed in 2016, after suffering with GI symptoms for nearly 2 years. Her disease has progressed to where she is now completely dependent on enteral nutrition. In the last two years she has become a vocal advocate for the gastroparesis community. She has also, in the last year...
Nov 10, 2020
Britt Clark is a patient advocate and the founder of Lupus Lyfe, a blog about living with lupus. She is also a lupus patient leader for WEGO Health and actively participates in discussions and panels advocating for chronic illness warriors. She has battled lupus, fibromyalgia, trigeminal neuralgia and recently stage 1...
Nov 3, 2020
Myisha is the ceo of @gameofcrohnsandchronicillness Facebook group and Instagram.
Myisha is a 2019 WEGO Health Awards finalist and WEGO Health top 10 rookie of the year 2020 this year.
Myisha have been nominated for 10 WEGO Health awards. Myisha started her Facebook group gameofcrohnsandchronicillness to help...