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Aug 15, 2023

This week we will discuss a serious motility disorder: Gastroparesis.

Melissa Adams VanHouten

Our guest is a strong advocate for this community and we are honored to have her join us today.  Melissa Adams VanHouten is a wife, mother, and former university political science instructor and corporate trainer who holds a B.S. in Political Science from St. Joseph's College and an M.A. in Political Science from Indiana State University. After being diagnosed with gastroparesis in February of 2014, she became a passionate advocate for those in her community who feel voiceless and ignored. She currently serves as the Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders (AGMD) Public Policy and Outreach Director.  She is also the co-author of the book, "Real Life Diaries: Living with Gastroparesis," and manages several online patient support and advocacy groups, the largest of which serves more than 46,000 members.  She spends her days advancing the cause of those who struggle with the sometimes devastating and life-altering effects of gastroparesis, and it is her fondest desire to empower others to advocate for awareness, better treatments, and, ultimately, cures.