May 30, 2023
This week our Co-Host
and producer is the guest once again! The topic for this week
is Pulmonary Embolism, which is a blood clot or thrombus in the
A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a sudden blockage in a lung artery. It usually happens when a blood clot breaks loose and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs....
May 23, 2023
This week we will discuss the topic of Diagnostic Radiology. The error rate of radiology is 4% world wide which comes out to be 40 million interpretive errors a year. Errors in diagnostic radiology occur for a variety of reasons related to human error, technical factors and system faults. It is important to recognize...
May 16, 2023
This week we will discuss an extremely rare type of cancer that is most often associated with younger children. When it affects adults it is more difficult to treat. Our guest this week is Wilder McNemar. Wilder has a decent following on TikTok which is where I found him. You can follow him here:
May 9, 2023
This week we will discuss HIV and Congenital Heart Defects. Seem like an unlikely pair?
First we dive deep into the world of congenital heart defects, specifically focusing on the rare and life-altering condition known as Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). Our special guest, Derek Canas, has not only lived...
May 2, 2023
This week we will discuss Parkinson's Disease (PD) from the caregiver perspective with Terri Pease.
Before she met her husband (Peter), who already had PD when they met, Terri was working flat-out, traveling around the country, as a trainer and consultant for organizations and staff that support survivors of...