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Mar 29, 2022

 Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA), also known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a very serious form of child abuse. The perpetrator, usually the mother, invents symptoms or causes real ones in order to make her child appear sick. Our guest today, Craig Lewis, not only survived the ordeal but has...

Mar 22, 2022


TuberculosisOn this week's episode we are discussing Tuberculosis, or TB.  Currently the infection has a rate of infection that is only 2.2 per 100,000 persons.  TB is more common in countries where many people live in absolute poverty because people are more likely to:

  • live and work in poorly ventilated and overcrowded...

Mar 15, 2022

Our guest on today's show is Dan Dry Dock Shockley, a retired Navy, Operation Desert Storm; Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veteran and 10 year hereditary colon cancer WARRIOR. 

Dan Dry Dock Shockley

One of the risk factors for colorectal cancer is a family history of the disease. Colorectal cancer is called "hereditary" or "inherited" when...

Mar 8, 2022

Today's show features Anna Cooper.  Anna is the sister of another one of our guests; Faith Cooper who talked with us S9E11 on JRA and S10E11 on EDS.   Addison's disease, also called adrenal insufficiency, is an uncommon disorder that occurs when your body doesn't produce enough of certain hormones. In Addison's...

Mar 1, 2022

We have the honor of speaking once again with Sheila Ames, a registered nurse in Northern California who has been diagnosed with a rare type of a primary immunodeficiency known as common variable immunodeficiency or CVID for short.  At the time of her diagnosis she was working as an ICU nurse and her first doctors order...