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Oct 29, 2024

In this episode we will discuss Halloween Safety during COVID  

Fall celebrations like Halloween and Harvest Day are fun times for children, who at one time could dress up in costumes, enjoy parties, and eat yummy treats.


These celebrations also provide a chance to give out healthy snacks, get physical activity,...

Oct 22, 2024

Silicosis is a lung disease caused by inhaling tiny crystalline particles of silica, or silicon dioxide, often linked to work environments like mining, construction, stonework, and sandblasting. The disease leads to symptoms such as coughing, inflammation, and fibrosis (scarring) and is classified under pneumoconioses,...

Oct 15, 2024

Jamie Holmes-Ward was born with a rare condition known as V.A.T.E.R Syndrome.  The Cleveland Clinic says: VATER syndrome, also known as VACTERL association, is a complex condition that affects several parts of the body. VATER (VACTERL) is an acronym that stands for the affected parts of the body including the vertebrae,...

Oct 8, 2024


Chelsey Peat

This week we discuss bullying with our guest Chelsey Peat.  Chelsey is an advocate for those with facial differences due to Sturge Weber Syndrome.   A person that looks different is a prime target for bullies.  Bullying is often seen as a schoolyard issue, but its impact on mental health extends into adulthood....

Oct 1, 2024

This week we will discuss the most common type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – the hypermobile type (hEDS, formerly also described as EDS type III or joint hypermobility syndrome), this is the type that most commonly presents to gastroenterology services.  

As connective tissue is present throughout the body, many...