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Dec 25, 2018

Winter Safety Tips

Drive Safely in the Snow

Driving in the winter means changes in the way you drive. Snow, sleet and ice can lead to hazardous road conditions. Prepare your vehicle for the upcoming winter season with these tips.


Avoid Strain while Shoveling

Shoveling snow is a major winter activity in many parts...

Dec 18, 2018

On this week's episode we start by explaining what the cold & flu are.  We know that they are not the same, but what do they have in common and what are the differences between the two? Basically, when does someone have a cold and when do they have the flu? And how is each treated? 

Cold Vs Flu

Dec 11, 2018

On this week's episode we review basic food safety tips. We break this topic down into bite size portions.  Remember not to put food safety on the back burner.  Now wash your hands, we saved you a place at the PodcastDX table.


Dec 4, 2018

In this episode we will discuss traveling at the holidays with varying levels of need.  Travel with disabilities can be challenging but the stress of added crowds can make this time of year even worse!

We discuss hints and tips to help navigate from point A to point B a little easier.  Due to time constraints we...

Nov 27, 2018

On this week’s episode we speak with Mary Margaret, a dental assistant at a busy Chicago Suburban dental clinic.  Mary has 35 years experience and is happy to share her knowledge with our listeners.